High-Protein Diet For Efficient Weight Loss

Weight loss is achieved by negative energy balance, in which the energy expenditure is more than the energy intake. Not only for weight loss, weight maintenance is also important to prevent weight gain back after successful weight loss. Proteins are suggested as very helpful to enhance the fat-burn efficiency due to several reasons. First, weContinue reading “High-Protein Diet For Efficient Weight Loss”

New Weight-Loss Trend: Intermittent fasting- Facts You Should Know

Intermittent fasting is claimed with its great effect in helping weight loss and provides various benefits to human body. What is intermittent fasting about? Here is what you should know about intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has recently become a trend for its great effect on weight loss and health benefit. As compared to food diet,Continue reading “New Weight-Loss Trend: Intermittent fasting- Facts You Should Know”

Here You Should Know More About Fats – Adipose Tissue

Perception of people towards fats are overwhelmed by mixed love-hate feelings, fats make food delicious and tasty, but fats at your body make you frustrated. Everyone has fats, good fats can even help us in burning energy.

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