Why your diet plan isn’t working

Some people are struggling with weight loss and they found out many ways but doesn’t work for them. They keep lose some weights and regain more later after they stop their diet plan. What should we do to keep the diet plan success?


You have stick to your diet plan for like one month or few months and it doesn’t work for you. You are struggling for weight loss and you had tried multiple ways before, but the plan doesn’t work.

And, you heard people said: “Just eat less and exercise more, it works”. People may tell you the golden rule of calories in versus calories out and you just need to follow this rule and calculate your daily calories intake.

If it is that easy as you think, then how comes there are so large population of obese in the world and health or weight loss always a hot topic among people?

The TV programme named ‘The Biggest Loser’ is a show about how many pounds of the fat the overweight people can get off after helping by the trainers, and lots of them can lost 20 pounds within a week. That is amazing.

They have to strictly follow the instructions by tough but motivating trainers – strict meal plans, and killer workouts.

But what comes afterward is that, those people gain more weight and even they are heavier than they took part in the competition.

It is depressing to those motivated dieters and they may want to give up as they may think weight loss is hard and unreachable target.


Before we go in deeper. Here are some reasons why we must lose fat and keep health.

In U.S., majority of the American adults are overweight, and 40 % of them are clinically obese. Obese can be a cause of many other serious health problems: Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, depression, respiratory problems, cancers, and even fertility problems.

Obesity is even a main cause of the increased death toll in many countries. The implications bring over to us exceed what we know.

Obese people also face a lot of problems in their lives, from the physical problem, financial problem to even mental problem. But why are still many people in the midst of this problem?


In 2017, weight-loss-related industries had made up to $ 66.3 billion, by selling weight-loss product, meal plans, and gym memberships.

People spend money on it but may return with failure to lose weight. Some researchers also realized that one diet plan may work best for one person but not for all.

Some people on a diet program lose 60 pounds and keep it off for two years, and other people follow the same program religiously and they gain five pounds.

A success diet plan not just simply based on the calories in versus calories out, we need to drag more deeper for the real reason. Those scientists are showing that the key to weight loss appears to be highly personalized rather than the adoption of trendy diets.

Recent years, there are massive diet recipes found online, nearly all dieting advice stressed meals that were low in calories.

For example, apple diet (claim that people can lose 6 pounds in just 5 days, by having only an apple a day), grapefruit diet at 20th century (in which people ate half a grapefruit with every meal out of a belief that the fruit contained fat-burning enzymes), low-carb diet, low-fat diet and so on.

Regardless of how many pounds you can lose when you were taking this plan, but you should gain back your fat after you stop the diet plan, and nobody can keep it for a life-long period.

A very common health statement said: “eat less fattening food and you will lose weight”. This is a misconception and we cannot really cut off all the fats from our meals. We still need to take in certain amount of good fat to prevent constipation and unsaturated fats can lower the cholesterol level also.

Besides, this statement still needs to follow the calorie counting model of weight loss, over calories with low-fat meals can also cause the failure of losing weight.

If you cut off oil in your meals, but you replace it with carbohydrate, and protein, this unbalanced diet is not a proper way to help you losing weight in a long period of time.

Throughout the evolutionary history people tends to store fat instead of losing fat. Fat is the energy in storage form, which can be transformed into energy when you lack food. And, people who strictly control their diet with calories at a very low level, they can easily gain their lose weight back afterward.

This is because their resting metabolism are slow down when they lose weight, which is a metabolic mechanism to save more energy for your body and is possibly an evolutionary holdover from the days when food scarcity was common.

So, how we can lose weight successfully and keep it for over one year without gaining back the fat? National Weight Control Registry (NCWR) is a way ran by a professor, Rena Wing and her collaborators, from Brown University, in order to track people who successfully lose weight and keep it off.

Only the person who lost at least 30 pounds and maintained it for one year or longer was qualified, and they had listed more than 10,000 people in U.S. with an average weight loss of 66 pounds per person and they have kept their weight off for more than five years.

The detail revealed in this registry is that everyone lost their significant amount of weight by different ways, with 45 % of them say they lost weight following various diets on their own and the left say they used a structured weight-loss program. And most of them had to try more than one diet before the weight loss stuck.


The researchers have identified what they (people registered in NCWR) do and found out some similarities: 98 % of the people in the study say they modified their diet like cut down some of the things they eat, and 94 % increased their physical activity.

As a whole, here are five things they do: they eat breakfast, exercise every day (most commonly walking or running), they trim their TV time with less than 10 hours per week, they weight themselves once a week and they have a deeper goal that can keep motivating them.

Yes, they are tended to be motivated by something other than a slimmer waist, such as a healthy body and desire to live a longer live so they can live with their loved ones longer.

Actually, most of the people had to try out several ways before they can successfully lose weight. After every failure, they did not give up. Instead, they were highly motivated and kept try a different things until they found out something that worked for them.

Losing weight is not a short-term project for you, it needs you to keep on doing it, try on the possibility, switch to a plan that fit you and keep motivating yourself. It is hard but absolutely possible to success.

You cannot just simply copy and paste other’s diet plan or workout plan, and hope it works for you. You have to try it out and think out that whether you can keep on doing it, whether it suits for your lifestyle and whether you lose weight after a period of time.

Furthermore, people have to know that the figures on the scale is not that important. People may lose some weight at the first two weeks, but the figures remain unchanged for one month, this can beat you down if you are just aware of the figures. That’s why most experts argue that pushing people toward health goals rather than a number on the scale can yield better results.

You cannot set up a goal that is unimaginable like I want to lose 5 pounds per month, the goal has to be more practical and smaller.

You can weight yourself just once per week, don’t do it too frequent, snap a picture of you before and after a month of try out, measure your fat percentage and try to fit it yourself into a smaller pant.

After you reach the goal, just reward yourself something, like buy a new dress or have your favorite food. A small goal can keep you motivate yourself and it is not that hard.

Lastly, you can keep trying out the methods used by others (except for the extreme diet), and record the effect on you, like doing exercises or low-fat meals. Give you a period of time, not just one or two weeks.

For a diet plan, you have to keep doing it for at least one month. If it works, you can continue; but if it doesn’t work, you can adjust it. The plan has to fit into your lifestyle.

You cannot say that I want to go gym everyday and train yourself for one hour, but you never do gym before and you are also busy for work. You may give up easily even you see some weight loss after a month of hardworking.

You need to plan a diet or workout that fit you and you can adjust the plan if any problem.

Then, just lose weight until you are satisfied, you don’t need to do it in a very extreme way, to imagine that you want to start from 200 pounds and have a supermodel body at the end.

The main purpose of losing weight is to get a healthy body by preventing yourself from those obesity-related chronic diseases. You have to know it correctly and just start from now with a plan.


You should understand your lifestyle first and keep adjust your daily activities and diet intake gradually. You should set a weight-loss plan that really suits for you and you can keep it for long term. Avoid an extreme diet plan is a must.

People who can always follow the healthy lifestyle and keep it for years can have a slimmer body and they don’t get weight easily even though they have once or twice of high-calorie meal set intake. Hence, it’s important to keep away from the unhealthy stuffs and follow the right way.

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