14 Foods You Should Eat to Keep You Full

During your weight-loss period, you will feel hungry always and it’s hard to keep focus on doing your works. Some foods that can provide you with more satiety and reduce your cravings to eat more are really helpful to make your weight-loss journey achieve success.

Some people is feeling hard to control their appetite by having lots of snacks between meals. Some feels satiety slowly caused them to eat a lot during meals. You should know these 14 foods that can increase your satiety faster and reduce your daily calorie intake, which is helpful for your weight-loss plan.

1. Artichokes

Artichokes are in fiber, they are extremely filling and help regulate the intestinal passage, thereby alleviating or preventing constipation.

A single medium-sized of artichokes has around 10.3 grams of fibers which are almost half of the recommended fibers content for women.

Besides, the nutritional value of artichokes is high. It contains potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium and traces of manganese and zinc.

Artichokes has a benefit to maintain the blood glucose level without fluctuation. An exponential increase in glucose level cause body to store the sugar as fat in our body. Cynarin content in artichokes stimulates the biliary secretion which helps to decrease fat levels in blood and the liver can use up more cholesterol.

2. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has no milk or much less than milk chocolate, usually with high cocoa percentages ranging from 70 % to 99 %.

Dark chocolate is the richest source of energy, protein, magnesium, calcium, iron and riboflavin of varying amounts, essential for mental health and heart function.

Dark chocolate is naturally rich in flavonoids. These compounds are believed to lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease.

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidant compounds, help to against free radicals which cause aging and possible cancer. Besides, dark chocolate contains monounsaturated fatty acids that could speed up metabolism.

3. Avocado

Avocados contain an oil rich in monounsaturated fatty acids in water-based matrix, which appears to enhance nutrient and phytochemical bioavailability and masks the taste and texture of the dietary fiber.

A research found that a moderate fat diet can be an effective part of a weight loss plan and the reduction of chronic disease risk.

Avocados have a medium energy density of 1.7 kcal/g and a viscose water, dietary fiber and fruit oil matrix that appears to enhance satiety. The consumption of one and a half avocados, around 200 g in a weight loss diet plan can strongly reduce the sense of hunger and desire to eat, and increase satiation as compared to a normal meal.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in fibre but only 30 calories per serving to make it a good option for your diet plan.

Broccoli is a kind of cruciferous vegetables, could help in decreasing risk of a number of cancers, including breast, colon and prostate.

Broccoli stem have been found to exhibit strong antioxidant properties than flowers and leaves. The mixture of antioxidants in broccoli, such as ascorbic acid and carotenoid exhibit good antioxidant activity to scavenge free radicals.

5. Eggs

Satiety is positivity associated with the protein, fibre and water content of foods and negatively with fat and palatability ratings.

Egg is an example of good that promote greater satiety independent of macronutrient content or energy density, it has greater satiety index compared to white bread or ready-to-eat breakfast cereal.

Egg with high satiety index can help to induce reduced energy intake and unintentional weight loss following a reduced energy diet.

An experiment tested between two groups of candidates with first group took two eggs in their breakfast and another group took bagel instead and they control their low-fat diet within 1000 kcal for two months. At the end of this experiment, the group with egg breakfast has a greater weight loss and reduction in body fat as compared with another group.

6. Quinoa

Quinoa is a pseudo-grain, with its soluble fibre similar as rye and insoluble fibre higher than wheat.

In comparison with most cereals, quinoa seeds have a higher nutritional value. Quinoa seeds have a higher protein content than rice, wheat and barley.

For your diet plan, quinoa is a economical, easy-to-prepare, nutritional, and flavourful food option to greatly help you in weight loss.

Quinoa is a good source of minerals with higher content of magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc than the common cereals. It is highly recommended to replace rice or noodle with quinoa and it should be an option of your carbohydrate intake.

7. Almonds

Almond is one of the excellent source of protein, healthy monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber to help you increase greater weight loss and higher fat metabolism.

A research found out that almonds helped stabilize metabolism and control appetite. A suggestion of 30 almonds or 1.5 ounces of whole almonds provides you 17 % of the fiber you need daily and also 15 % of the recommended protein amount.

8. Lentils

Lentils are claimed as one of the world’s healthiest foods, with 13 g of protein and 11 gram of fibre per serving, this legume will keep you feeling full for hours in between meals.

They are also a great source of fat-burning resistant starch. Lentil has a generally good amino acid pattern, in that it contains all the human essential amino acids and with most of them occurring in proportions recommended for humans.

9. Popcorn

With the exception of movie popcorn – which can pack 1000 calories or more – popcorn is a healthy filling snack.

As a whole grain, popcorn could be a healthier snack option and may be beneficial to those trying to lose weight.

Popcorn gives you a sensible, yet satisfying, choice when following a weight-loss diet. It can help to control hunger to prevent overeating at the next meal. You should wisely choose in between the low-calorie and high-calorie popcorn.

For a cup serving of low fat or fat-free microwave, there is only 20 calories. Popcorn is a good source of fiber with around 1 g per cups, it can slow down digestion and make you feel full for a longer time.

However, even popcorn is a low-calorie snack option, you can still gain weight if you are eating too much.

10. Bananas

Bananas are a top source of resistant starch, which the body digests slowly. Eating bananas cannot directly lead to weight loss, but it can help to control your appetite and replace with those processed sugars.

Bananas can be an excellent source of fibre and a medium-sized banana contains 3.07 g of fibre. Again, fibres take a longer time to digest and reduce the sense of hunger for a longer time after a meal.

Banana is a good source of potassium and magnesium, which can lower blood pressure, blood sugar level, and essential for energy production.

11. Chia seeds

Chia seed is so called a superfood in recent decades. It is a pseudo grain, which has a very high content of fibre, almost 10 g in two tablespoons.

Chia seed provides high filling to keep you feel full for a longer time and therefore prevent you from overeating. It can be simply added into your favourite healthy food and keep you off from hunger.

12. Apples

Apples have pectin, which slows digestion and makes you feel full. Research shows eating a whole apple with your meal is a natural appetite suppressant.

Apples are low in calories as compared to other fruits, with 116 kcal per large fruit. Besides, apples are better eaten whole rather than apple juice to reduce hunger and control appetite.

13. Oatmeal

Oats are another great source of resistant starch. Oatmeal provides you with fibre and protein and it is easy prepared.

Oatmeal can help you feel full longer and it can be your alternative option to replace your main course food such as noodles.

One cup of cooked oatmeal gives you only around 150 calories with 5 g fibre and 6 g protein. Some other good elements like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, selenium and potassium also can be obtained through oatmeal.

There are many options of oatmeal and it comes with various flavours and toppings; a careful choosing is required to avoid the sugar-added one.

Furthermore, extreme diets with oatmeal for your every meal are not recommended at all, as this cause imbalance of your diet and will affect your metabolism system.

14. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a great food to reduce hunger, increase fullness and delay subsequent eating as compared to consuming other foods that are lower in protein and nutrients.

The non-fat plain Greek yogurt is great for snack or as a main meal, because it contains high protein amount to help in appetite control.

One 6 oz of Greek yogurt contains around 15-20 g of proteins. Besides, Greek yogurt also has a low Glycaemic index (GI), with cause a less fluctuation of blood glucose level and it contains low carbohydrate.

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